{Urban Attitude... hip, fun family}

Urban twist for a gorgeous hip family - sooo fun!  I had a blast photographing this session!  This age group is so refreshing, they get so into being in front of the camera, which I love.   Oh, I love the little tots too and I always will, teens just add a different element to the session since they typically want to be there, they rarely have meltdowns or need diaper changes, and I normally don't have to chase very far after them {wink}.  Anyway, this was another Seattle session but the only urban session I photographed during my time in the NW.  Next  time I'm going to try to do a few more with an Urban flair.  Isn't this family just beautiful!  They were so comfortable in front of the camera and were up for anything.   We even found a random bowling ball {yes, an abandon, orange, dying to be held, bowling ball} and I had to incorporate it into part of the session although we found it toward the end of our time together.  Anyway, Shanna is the amazing mother of these four beautiful children.  Wow, she's a busy lady - I have trouble keeping up with just two.  Anyway, I loved every minute of this session!

Here's a little peek inside....with varying post-processing techniques.


Ahhh... the bowling ball....

This last one I processed two ways...Kara's bright color in the first and Kara's yesterday fade.