Pumpkin, Spooky Trees, Giggles and Random Pictures

Wow, busy weekend... with the holiday's coming the festivities are filling the air and our schedule. It's always fun this time of the year - I love fall, it's may favorite season! This weekend we dedicated Friday night to our family pumpkin carving/pumpkin party night (the kids like to turn everything into a party even if it's just the 4 of us). Anyway, we turned on Halloween music, got out all the pumpkin carving tools and began to transform our pumpkin. Brielle really wanted to get in on the action, which made me nervous around the tools. So I got out Halloween crafts - a biggy in our house so Tyler & Brielle started doing their happy dance around the kitchen. They love crafts, thankfully, since I love them too. Anyway, the night was filled with giggles, glue and glitter a few moments of complaining (i.e. Tyler saying ' Mom, Brielle, wants to take all my spooky trees away' or Brielle saying 'No Tyler, time out - you go to time out' then she would giggle mischievously). Brielle had to get down of her chair at one point and go into our 'dance party' room and dance to the beat of one of the songs she heard. Then when the song ended, she walked back to her seat and continued with her craft... she's a hoot.

Anyway, the rest of the weekend was full of fun festive activities and of course some work (administrative stuff, order processing, editing, etc.) But I did take some time to look at some pics that I took about a week ago of my little ones. Thought I'd share...